UNECA AU5 April 2016: African ministers reaffirmed the importance of aligning Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including in national development plans, at the Ninth Joint Annual African Union (AU) and UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The meeting adopted 17 resolutions that support Africa’s implementation of the SDGs.

The meeting convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 4-5 April 2016, under the theme, ‘Towards an Integrated and Coherent Approach to Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs.’ The Conference took place during African Development Week, which also included an expert segment, a two-day ministerial session and over 20 side events.

African States must be “strategic, ambitious, rigorous and disciplined” to achieve sustainable and inclusive development for their people, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, told ministers and other Conference participants. Democratic Republic of Congo Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo highlighted the role of governments in ensuring inclusive and sustainable development, which he said is important in addressing climate change and economic growth. Speakers also called for mobilizing Africa’s innovation and scientific skills, and ensuring that Africa’s growth reduces poverty and creates jobs.

Ministers requested the AU Commission, UNECA and the African Development Bank (AfDB) to develop an integrated monitoring and evaluation framework on the implementation of Agenda 2063 and the SDGs. The Resolution recommends a harmonized set of goals, indicators and targets for measuring implementation of the two agendas and ensuring harmonization between them. Ministers also encouraged the AUC and UNECA to develop a common follow-up and review platform, such as the African Regional Forum for Sustainable Development. They further called on the AUC, UNECA, AfDB and others to assist governments in implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change, in particular with their nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

The meeting also agreed on finance strategies, including both domestic resource mobilization (DRM) and external financing in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). Participants highlighted the need to implement the recommendations of the High-level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, as well as to strengthen tax administration and adopt polices to combat corruption.

Participants requested the AU to establish an African Policy Centre for economic research and management to inform decisions and policies on issues that hinder economic and social transformation and, with the UNECA, an institution to address migration in Africa, including guidance and political support on the issue. The meeting also discussed data partnerships, the use of indicators and real-time information, institutional strengthening, and technical assistance in post-conflict countries, among other issues.

UNECA launched several publications during the Conference, including an ‘Africa Blue Economy Policy Handbook,’ a report on corruption, reports on greening industrialization and transformative industrialization, a report and index on regional integration, and country profiles. The Blue Economy handbook proposes a roadmap to harness Africa’s lakes, rivers and oceans resources to support the region’s sustainable development, and argues for an integrated, multi-sectoral and participatory approach to managing Africa’s blue resources.

UNECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes described the “huge number of publications” as “a genuine effort to shift our mindset to transformative policies…[and] knowledge generation that is African-centered.” [UNECA Press Release, High-level Ministerial] [UNECA Press Release, Conference Opening] [UNECA Press Release, Experts Segment] [UNECA Press Release, Blue Economy Handbook] [UNECA Press Release, 2016 Economic Report on Africa: Greening Africa’s Industrialization] [UN Press Release, Economic Report on Africa] [UNECA Press Release, African Development Week Conclusion] [Event Website] [UNECA Executive Secretary Statement] [Ministerial Statement]