AEEP_logo17 February 2014: The Second High-Level Meeting (HLM) of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) concluded with the adoption of the Addis Ababa Communiqué, which contains key messages and recommendations on achieving the AEEP’s 2020 Targets for Africa, and is to be forwarded to African and EU Heads of State and Government at the EU-Africa Summit in April 2014.

The AEEP HLM took place from 11-13 February 2014, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and gathered over 450 participants to review progress in implementing the 2020 Targets under the theme ‘Taking the Next Step: Africa and the EU are tackling energy challenges together.’ On the first day, delegates participated in pre-meeting side events organized by stakeholders to discuss experiences, tools and approaches for enhancing energy access in Africa. The sessions addressed the following topics: accelerating inclusive energy access solutions and policy through partnerships with civil society; Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme; Mini-Grid Policy Toolkit consultation workshop; making sound energy decisions – the role of data collection in Africa and attracting investment for clean energy in Africa – the Climatescope index; and rural electrification – financial models and commercial project examples.

The HLM officially opened on the second day, during which delegates convened in an ‘Expert Day’ to showcase achievements of African and European partners in the context of the AEEP 2020 Targets. During the high-level ministerial segment on the third day, energy ministers reviewed the AEEP’s achievements since the first HLM and explored how to improve cooperation between the policy and business sectors in order to attract and substantially accelerate private investments to meet the AEEP 2020 Targets. An exhibition showcasing technological innovations by diverse energy stakeholders also took place in parallel to the HLM.

During the closing session of the ministerial segment, participants approved the ‘Addis Ababa Communiqué,’ which defines the Partnership’s priorities and vision for African-European collaboration on energy affairs. The Communiqué contains nine recommendations for accelerating access to sustainable energy on both continents and achieving the AEEP Targets, as well as four key messages to be forwarded to African and EU Heads of State and Government at the EU-Africa Summit scheduled to take place in April 2014.

The meeting was jointly hosted by the Ethiopian Government, the Governments of Austria, Germany and Mauritius, and the African and European Co-Chairs of the AEEP: the African Union Commission (AUC) and the European Commission. [IISD RS Web Coverage of AEEP] [IISD RS Summary of the Second High Level Meeting of the Africa Europe Energy Partnership] [AEEP Homepage]