5 February 2013: The African Development Bank (AfDB), through the African Water Facility (AWF), has approved a €1.1 million grant to the city of Sèmè-Podji, in Benin in order to implement efficient, sustainable and cost-effective solutions in the management of waste muds. The project is part of a public private partnership for the management of waste.

The project is based on an integrated approach that aims to: promote innovative technologies; and ensure the cost-effectiveness of the collection, transport and treatment of waste muds. These will be transformed into fertilizers that will then be sold on the market. The project will generate revenue for the companies, while enabling families to have access to more adequate services while making substantial savings in sanitation costs. Aside from the farmers, approximately one million inhabitants of the Grand-Nokoué region are expected to benefit from the project.

The project will contribute to: better organize the collection and transport of waste muds in the Grand-Nokouè region while reinforcing the capacities of collecting companies; renovate and increase the capacity of the treatment station of Sèmè-Podji; add value to the waste muds by making fertilizers; put an end to environmental hazards resulting from the daily discharge of 600 m3 of muds in the maritime area.

The AfDB grant will cover 21 % of the total costs of the project, estimated at 5,4 millions euros. The remaining cost will be borne by the private companies SIBEAU-SA and AGETUR-SA. [AfDB Press Release]