21 April 2017: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) took another step in its consideration of indigenous peoples’ participation in UN processes, with the release of a “zero draft” resolution on proposed arrangements. The text would allow for indigenous representatives to make oral and written statements in one of the UN official languages, but not to vote or submit resolutions themselves. The text reflects UN Member States’ and indigenous representatives’ input during a series of consultations that began in December 2016.

The zero draft of the UNGA resolution stipulates that the selection of indigenous peoples’ representative institutions to attend and participate in the UN does not imply recognition of those institutions under international or domestic law or policy for any purpose other than attending UN meetings. By the resolution, the UNGA would agree to establish a Selection Committee to select indigenous peoples’ representative institutions for participation at the UN.

Several options are presented for the composition of the Selection Committee, with the number of members, length of terms, voting procedures and balance of states, experts and indigenous representatives still under discussion. UN Member States and indigenous peoples would be able to appeal the Selection Committee’s decisions.

The UN Secretary-General would be asked to report on implementation of the resolution by the UNGA’s 75th session. The participation arrangements would be up for review within five years.

The consultation process has been conducted by two representatives of Member States and two representatives of indigenous peoples: Kai Sauer, Permanent Representative of Finland; Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee, Permanent Representative of Ghana; Claire Winfield Ngamihi Charters from the Pacific region; and James Anaya from the North American region.

An initial consultation on the zero draft was scheduled for 26 April and 3 May 2017, followed by the first round of negotiations, on 5 and 8 May. Ways to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples at the UN was also on the agenda of the 16th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII), which convened in New York, US, from 24 April-5 May 2017, as part of its consideration of ‘Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.’ [Zero Draft of UNGA Resolution on Indigenous Peoples’ Participation at UN] [Information on Consultation Process] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Elements Paper] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on PFII 16] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Initial Reactions to Zero Draft]