21 February 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the scenario note for the fourth part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 10-14 March 2014 (ADP.2014.2.InformalNote).
In the scenario note, the ADP Co-Chairs reflect on the progress made in Warsaw and lay out their vision for 2014. The note details how to organize the work of the March session, noting that its main goals are to: advance as much as possible in the elaboration of the content of the 2015 agreement with a view of arriving at elements for a coherent draft negotiating text by the Lima Conference in December 2014; initiate discussions in order to facilitate parties’ domestic preparations for their intended nationally determined contributions; unlock opportunities for raising pre-2020 ambition, focusing on the practical realization of these opportunities; and decide on the need for a second additional session in the second half of 2014.
The note indicates that the ADP session will: open with a plenary meeting on 10 March; be followed by brief interventions by parties on relevant initiatives taken since the last session; take stock of progress made in the middle of the week; and conclude with a second plenary meeting on 14 March.
On the elaboration of the elements of the 2015 agreement, the Co-Chairs propose to conduct in open-ended consultations the elaboration of textual elements on, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity building and transparency of action and support. They recall the common starting points outlined in their reflection note, including that the 2015 agreement will be applicable to all parties, be under the Convention and guided by its objective and principles. They also refer to questions prepared to guide the discussions, and contained in their reflection note, stressing that these questions are “intended as examples, aimed at facilitating the discussions and not meant to restrict them in any way.” These questions touch upon: the long-term perspective; the nationally determined contributions; cooperation and enabling elements, including means of implementation; the strengthening and/or anchoring of existing arrangements on adaptation in the 2015 agreement; transparency; and compliance and other issues, such as governance, rules and legal elements.
The ADP Co-Chairs also inform they have arranged for a workshop on domestic preparations for parties’ intended nationally determined contributions, which is aimed at sharing experiences of parties already engaged in their preparations, highlighting opportunities and challenges faced. In addition, the operating entities of the financial mechanism and any other organizations in a position to provide support for the preparation of intended nationally determined contributions will offer a briefing to facilitate direct exchange among interested parties and organizations.
On pre-2020 ambition, technical expert meetings will be held to examine how to seize opportunities for actions with high mitigation potential, including those with adaptation and sustainable development co-benefits. The Co-Chairs propose to initiate these technical meetings with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency, and indicate that expert organizations and international support institutions have been invited to participate. The note further explains that the technical expert meetings will be organized in parallel to the open-ended consultations on the 2015 agreement.
The Co-Chairs also inform that the meeting will include: a briefing by the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on the cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs); and a special event with observer organizations. [ADP Scenario Note] [IISD RS Story on the ADP Reflection Note] [ADP March Session Webpage]