UNFCCC24 July 2015: The Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) have issued a scenario note for the tenth part of the second session of ADP (ADP 2-10) that includes a consolidated version of the formal Geneva negotiating text. The Co-Chairs also released a document containing elements for a draft decision on ADP workstream 2 (pre-2020 ambition).

The scenario note (ADP.2015.4.InformalNote) explains that ADP 2-9 mandated the ADP Co-Chairs to “make available a single document… that will include a fully streamlined, consolidated, clear and concise version of the [Geneva negotiating text] that will present clear options and will not omit or delete any option or position of Parties.” The note explains that the purpose of this “additional tool” is to start placing the paragraphs of the Geneva negotiating text into three parts: provisions appropriate by their nature for inclusion in the Paris agreement; provisions appropriate by their nature for inclusion in a decision; and “provisions whose placement requires further clarity among Parties.”

Noting their intention to suggest ways to address these issues at the opening of ADP 2-10, the ADP Co-Chairs stress that Parties will need to engage on the substance of all provisions and consider how to “adjust and go beyond” the suggested allocation. On expectations for ADP 2-10, the Co-Chairs state that Parties are “expected to produce a clearer understanding and articulation of the elements of the Paris package with regard to both workstream 1 (the 2015 agreement) and workstream 2,” including by developing “bridging proposals” and narrowing options for further negotiation.

The Co-Chairs’ scenario note further covers the organization of work during, and closing of the session of, ADP 2-10, and contains annexes with a draft schedule of work (Annex I) and the ‘Co-Chairs’ Tool: A Non-Paper Illustrating Possible Elements of the Paris Package’ (Annex II). The 83-page Annex II comprises an explanatory note and the Geneva negotiating text divided into three parts.

The document containing elements for a draft decision on workstream 2 of the ADP (ADP.2015.5.InformalNote) contains: a draft decision text comprised of four draft preambular paragraphs and 15 draft operative paragraphs; and submissions by five groups of Parties containing suggestions for the elements for a draft decision under workstream 2. The text of the draft workstream 2 decision is also contained in Annex II of the scenario note (ADP.2015.4.InformalNote).

ADP 2-10 will convene in Bonn, Germany, from 31 August to 4 September 2015. [UNFCCC Press Release] [Publication: Scenario Note on the Tenth Part of the Second Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action] [Publication: Elements for Draft Decision on Workstream 2 of the ADP] [IISD RS Story on the Geneva Negotiating Text]