31 August 2015: The tenth part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-10) has opened in Bonn, Germany. As mandated by ADP 2-9, the ADP Co-Chairs have issued a scenario note for the meeting (ADP.2015.4.InformalNote) that includes a consolidated version of the formal Geneva negotiating text, as well as a document containing elements for a draft decision on ADP workstream 2 (pre-2020 ambition).
At ADP 2-10, Parties are “expected to produce a clearer understanding and articulation of the elements of the Paris package with regard to both workstream 1 (the 2015 agreement) and workstream 2,” including by developing “bridging proposals” and narrowing options for further negotiation.
The Co-Chairs’ scenario note further covers the organization of work during ADP 2-10 and the closing of the session. It contains annexes with a draft schedule of work (Annex I) and the ‘Co-Chairs’ Tool: A Non-Paper Illustrating Possible Elements of the Paris Package’ (Annex II). The 83-page Annex II is comprised of an explanatory note and the Geneva negotiating text divided into three parts.
The scenario note explains that the purpose of the Co-Chairs’ Tool is to start placing the paragraphs of the Geneva negotiating text into three parts: provisions appropriate by their nature for inclusion in the Paris agreement; provisions appropriate by their nature for inclusion in a decision; and “provisions whose placement requires further clarity among Parties.”
ADP 2-10 will conclude on 4 September 2015. [IISD RS Coverage of ADP 2-10] [ADP 2-10 Website] [ADP Co-Chairs’ Scenario Note] [IISD RS Policy Update: Climate Countdown: What Can Be Expected in the Lead Up to Paris?]