ADB25 October 2012: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has announced it is providing US$300 million to the Government of Sri Lanka over the next eight years, in the form of ordinary capital resources and concessional resources from the Asian Development Fund, for the overhaul of water and wastewater services in Colombo.

According to ADB, the investment is being matched by a US$400 million government investment programme to improve water and sanitation. The programme aims to make water available 24 hours a day throughout greater Colombo by 2020, and is focused on improving services in under-served areas. The programme will also focus on reducing non-revenue water losses from nearly 50% in 2012, to 20% by 2020.

ADB’s assistance will be used to repair or replace water transmission and distribution pipes and pumps, install high quality meters, and implement network mapping and leakage controls. It will also fund new sewer connections and the construction of two wastewater treatment plants. [ADB Press Release]