AfDB15 August 2013: A study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the National University of Singapore recommends making growth more inclusive, and proposes a stronger role for governments in ending hunger, delivering quality primary education and promoting skills development, especially among youth.

The report of the study, titled ‘Ending Asian Deprivations: Compulsions for a Fair, Prosperous and Equitable Asia,’ is an edited collection of writings by 23 authors, who argue that much more should be done to ensure the benefits of Asia’s economic growth will reach the poor. They note that one-fifth of Asia’s population is still extremely poor, and that many countries will not meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the areas of sanitation, child health and infant and maternal mortality by the 2015 deadline.

The report warns that rising inequality, unless addressed, will dampen future economic growth. The authors urge governments to pay attention to gender equity and women’s empowerment, saying this is “an unfinished agenda.” They recommend creating the conditions for employment growth in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including through improved property rights, and access to finance. Other areas recommended for improvement are health, water and sanitation, migration and slums, social safety nets, governance of public services delivery, and public participation.

The year 2025 is proposed as a possible deadline for ending deprivation in the region. [Publication: Ending Asian Deprivations: Compulsions for a Fair, Prosperous and Equitable Asia] [ADB Press Release]