ADB4 March 2014: The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Independent Evaluation Department has released its mid-term review of the Bank’s operations, calling for a stronger focus on socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth. The recommended shifts are expected to support social inclusion through job creation and improving livelihoods, advance environmental care and climate action, and generate high growth.

‘Inclusion, Resilience, Change: ADB’s Strategy 2020 at Mid-Term’ assesses the Bank’s progress against its development strategy from 2008 to 2020. It outlines seven steps to raise ADB’s development impacts. It recommends addressing social inclusion and poverty issues, not only through social sector projects, but also by targeting infrastructure projects that will benefit low-income strata. The evaluation report also calls for: expanding the Bank’s climate change mitigation and adaptation work, and prioritizing disaster risk management; complementing cross-border transport and power links with greater support for food security, trade facilitation and cross-border natural resources management; and addressing governance-related constraints to private-sector investment. The report encourages ADB to reduce its ‘core’ focus on infrastructure, and focus instead on the intended development outcomes; strengthen implementation supervision to achieve greater development effectiveness and sustainability; and improve teamwork across administrative boundaries, making staff more accountable for achieving good outcomes, and playing a stronger role as a ‘knowledge broker’ for clients.

The ADB’s Independent Evaluation Unit reports to the Board of Directors through its Development Effectiveness Committee. [Publication: Inclusion, Resilience, Change: ADB’s Strategy 2020 at Mid-Term] [Report Webpage] [ADB Independent Evaluation Press Release]