ADBApril 2014: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) published a report, titled ‘Economic Costs of Inadequate Water and Sanitation: South Tarawa, Kiribati,’ which analyzes the situation of water supply and sanitation in South Tarawa, and highlights that population increases have stressed public infrastructure and that Kiribati is not on track to meet relevant Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The report introduces the research methodology and includes sections on: the water supply and sanitation situation in South Tarawa; impacts of poor water and sanitation; economic costs of inadequate water and sanitation; ways to reduce the economic burden of poor water and sanitation; and conclusions. The report highlights high rates of open defecation in South Tarawa and emphasizes that, while water supply and sewerage tariffs are not high enough to achieve cost recovery, service affordability remains an issue. The report finds direct and indirect costs, including: health expenditures and loss in economic productivity due to waterborne illnesses; reduced benefits from tourism; and environmental pollution.

The report identifies measures to improve water and sanitation services, including: greater public investment in water and sanitation services; education and awareness programmes to promote understanding of links between water, sanitation, hygiene and health; and integrated investments in water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). [ADB Report: Economic Costs of Inadequate Water and Sanitation: South Tarawa, Kiribati]