21 November 2016: In the ‘Marrakech Action Proclamation for Our Climate and Sustainable Development,’ read in plenary during the second week of the Marrakech Climate Change Conference, Heads of State, Government and Delegations call for, among others, “strong solidarity with those countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and underscore the need to support efforts aimed to enhance their adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability.”

The Proclamation recognizes the need to build on the momentum of the entry into force of the Paris Agreement by, inter alia, fostering adaptation efforts.

The 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 22), the 12th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 12) and the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 1) adopted decisions on, inter alia: the review and report of the Adaptation Committee (AC); National Adaptation Plans (NAPs); the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM); and the review of the WIM. [Decision -/CP.22: Review and Report of the Adaptation Committee] [Decision -/CP.22: NAPs] [Decision -/CP.22: WIM] [Decision -/CP.22 Review of the WIM]

The Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) adopted conclusions on: NAPs (FCCC/SBI/2016/L.32 and FCCC/SBI/2016/L.32/Add.1); report of the AC (FCCC/SB/2016/L.4); WIM (FCCC/SB/2016/L.8); review of the WIM (FCCC/SB/2016/L.9); and Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP) (FCCC/SBSTA/2016/L.22). [SBI Conclusions on NAPs] [SBI Conclusions on NAPs: Addendum] [SB Conclusions on Report of the AC] [SB Conclusions on WIM] [SB Conclusions on Review of WIM] [SBSTA Conclusions on NWP]

During the resumed first session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), co-facilitators published an informal note on ‘Further guidance in relation to the adaptation communication, including, inter alia, as a component of nationally determined contributions (NDCs), referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 10 and 11, of the Paris Agreement,’ which captures Parties’ views on the issue. [Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators]

Climate Vulnerable Forum Communiqué: “We Will Survive and Thrive”

The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) high-level meeting held in Marrakech, Morocco, on 18 November 2016, issued the ‘Marrakech Communiqué,’ which outlines a unified message by CVF members representing countries that are most vulnerable to climate change impacts. In the Communiqué, country representatives commit to, inter alia: “survive and thrive”; “fight together”; “put words into action”; “strive to lead”; “plot a clear path to the future”; and “stand together.” Among the issues addressed in the Communiqué are: the relationship between climate change and sustainable development; the need for greater ambition; resilience as a humanitarian priority; climate investment; climate risk insurance; and benefits of climate action.

The CVF is a global partnership of countries that are disproportionately affected by the changing climate. It currently comprises 43 participating countries. [CVF Marrakech Communiqué] [Statement by Edgar Gutierrez Espeleta, Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica] [UN News Centre Press Release] [CVF Website] [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage]

COP 22 Side Events Address Resilience, EbA, Climate Risk Insurance

As in the first week of the Marrakech Climate Change Conference, numerous side events were held during the closing days of the COP. [Adaptation and Loss and Damage Update from First Week of COP 22]

On 16 November 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Bank and the World Food Programme (WFP) convened a side event titled ‘Climate Resilience for Agriculture and Food Security and Zero Hunger.’ The event outlined in-country efforts on combatting hunger and climate change, showcasing the importance of data and financial instruments in facilitating adaptation. [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage] [COP 22 Side Events and Exhibits Schedule] [FAO Press Release]

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) was the focus of an event themed ‘Ecosystem-based Approach for Climate Change Adaptation in the Maldives,’ organized on 16 November 2016 by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS), Maldives and the University of Milano-Bicocca. [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage]

Climate risk insurance was discussed during a side event titled ‘Addressing Loss and Damage in Developing Countries: The Need for a Global Agricultural Insurance Mechanism,’ presented by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and the Action by Churches Alliance (ACT Alliance) on 18 November 2016. [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage] [COP 22 Side Events and Exhibits Schedule]

Disaster risk reduction (DRR) and regional cooperation on adaptation-related issues were prominent among the numerous topics covered at various side events during the second week of COP 22:

IISD Publishes Guidance for Linking National and Sub-national Adaptation

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) released a publication contributing to national adaptation planning under, and outside of, the UNFCCC. The guidance note for linking national and sub-national adaptation titled ‘Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes’ is designed for stakeholders aiming to strengthen vertical integration in NAP processes. It presents a flexible approach that can be adapted to the country’s context, capacities and available resources. The publication outlines key issues to consider when facilitating vertical integration throughout the NAP process, and provides practical case examples. [Publication:
Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes: A Guidance Note for Linking National and Sub-National Adaptation] [Publication Landing Page] [We Adapt News Entry]