24 September 2016: As the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC draws near, preparations are well underway. A number of institutions serving under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including the Adaptation Committee (AC), the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), and the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM), have advanced work on their respective mandates. In addition, in preparation for COP 22, several Parties have submitted their views on a range of adaptation-related issues.
UNFCCC Institutions Step Up Work Towards COP 22
During its tenth meeting (AC 10), held in Bonn, Germany, from 13-16 September 2016, the AC focused on supporting the implementation of the Paris outcomes, including: review of adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC in 2017; methodologies for assessing adaptation needs; modalities to recognize the adaptation efforts of developing countries; methodologies to facilitate the mobilization of support for adaptation in developing countries; and methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support. The AC further addressed, inter alia: technical support and guidance to Parties on adaptation action and means of implementation (MOI); awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information; and the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A). [AC 10 Summary Outcomes] [AC 10 Agenda]
The LEG’s 30th meeting convened in Monrovia, Liberia, from 7-10 September 2016. During the meeting, participants considered progress under its 2016-2017 rolling work programme, including its support in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the technical guidance and support on national adaptation plans (NAPs) and its continuing engagement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF). [UNFCCC Workshops and Meetings Webpage] [NWP eUpdate August 2016] [LEG 2016-2017 Rolling Work Programme]
The WIM ExCom held its fourth meeting (ExCom 4) in Bonn, Germany, from 19-23 September 2016. During the meeting, the ExCom advanced work under its initial two-year workplan and considered COP requests arising from the Paris Climate Change Conference. Among others, the ExCom endorsed the concept paper for the clearing house on risk transfer, and adopted the terms of reference (ToR) of the task force on displacement and elected its members. [ExCom 4 UNFCCC Webpage] [ExCom 4 Agenda] [ExCom 4 Summary Decisions] [Concept Paper on Clearing House on Insurance and Risk Transfer] [Task Force on Displacement ToR] [ExCom’s Initial Two-Year Workplan]
The first meeting of the Expert Group on non-economic losses (NELs-EG1), established by ExCom 3 in April 2016, preceded ExCom 4. During the two-day meeting that took place in Bonn, Germany, from 15-16 September 2016, participants developed draft inputs and recommendations for the ExCom’s work on NEL in relation to raising awareness, gathering and making knowledge available, and mainstreaming knowledge into planning, as well as the Expert Group’s draft workplan.
The NEL Expert Group’s mandate is to develop inputs and recommendations to enhance data and knowledge on addressing and reducing the risk of non-economic losses. It will contribute to Action Area 4 of the ExCom’s initial two-year workplan (Enhance data on and knowledge of NEL associated with the adverse effects of climate change and identify ways forward for reducing the risk of and addressing NEL with specific focus on potential impacts within regions). [NELs-EG1 Webpage] [Summary of NELs-EG1 Proceedings] [NELs-EG1 Agenda] [Introduction to NELs-EG1] [ExCom’s Initial Two-Year Workplan] [NEL Expert Group ToR]
The 2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), that convened in Mandaluyong, the Philippines, from 5-6 September 2016, focused on the financial instruments that address the risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, in the context of Action Area 7 of the ExCom’s initial two-year workplan. [2016 SCF Forum UNFCCC Webpage] [IISD RS Story on 2016 SCF Forum]
Also, ahead of COP 22, a number of Parties have submitted their views on a range of issues. Ethiopia, Congo, the European Union (EU), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Macedonia, Indonesia, Mexico, Guatemala, Pakistan and Serbia made submissions in relation to information on recent work in the area of climate impacts on human health, including changes in the geographical distribution of diseases; new and emerging health issues, including tropical diseases and their impacts on social and economic structures, as well as the issues of malnutrition, waterborne diseases, vector-borne diseases and disaster impacts; and the effects of climate change on health and productivity in the workplace, with implications for occupational health, safety and social protection.
The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) submitted its views on the AC and LEG mandates stemming from Decision 1/CP.21. Japan made a submission on further guidance in relation to the adaptation communication under the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA). [UNFCCC Submissions Portal] [Decision 1/CP.21 Adopting Paris Agreement]
Opportunities for Reducing Vulnerability Identified
The UNFCCC Secretariat released a technical paper titled ‘Opportunities and options for enhancing adaptation actions and supporting their implementation: reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming adaptation,’ which provides an initial exploration of such opportunities and options, including through the process to formulate and implement NAPs as identified by Parties and stakeholders through their practical experiences. The paper draws primarily on the technical expert meetings on adaptation (TEM-As), held in Bonn, Germany, on 24-25 May 2016, in conjunction with the 44th sessions of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies (SBs). It aims to contribute to the understanding of how good practices and lessons learned can lay the foundation for the enhanced implementation of pre-2020 adaptation actions. [Opportunities and Options for Enhancing adaptation actions and supporting their implementation: reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming adaptation]
The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) released an interview series, in which NWP partners share their experience on success factors for including and working with vulnerable communities on adaptation planning and implementation. [NWP Interview Series] [NWP eUpdate August 2016]
COP 22 will take place in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 7-18 November 2016.