COMIFAC20 May 2013: The twelfth meeting of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) has released the reports on the meeting of partners and the thematic day on gender in the Commission des Forets d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC).

The meeting of partners considered emerging issues in Central African forests including forest carbon and payments for ecosystem services. Current initiatives were also discussed, including the World Resources Institute (WRI) interactive atlas of deforestation and monitoring by the Observatoire des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (OFAC).

Other initiatives addressed during the meeting included the assessment of Congo Basin forests to 2040, a study on the harmonization of protected areas legislation, and local funding mechanisms for sustainable development. Finally, the meeting considered achievements of the CBFP and plans for the future based on the need to: align partner activities with local priorities; strengthen collaboration; and establish a regional organization for forest research to supplement national efforts.

The thematic day on gender in COMIFAC was convened to develop a common vision on gender in COMIFAC, build awareness of gender mainstreaming issues, and develop a gender strategy for COMIFAC. Roundtable discussions called for: the collection of gender disaggregated data; enhanced links between COMIFAC and other partners working on gender; capacity building for stakeholders; the provision of adequate financial resources; stronger political commitments to gender; greater market access for female producers; and clear monitoring and evaluation systems for gender criteria. [Proceedings and Documentation of the 12th CBFP Meeting of Partners] [Compte Rendu de la Journée Thématique Genre du 18 Mars 2013]