19-22 April 2010 Cochabamba, Bolivia
World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

The objectives of this Conference are to: analyze the structural and systemic causes that drive climate change and propose measures to ensure the well-being of all humanity in harmony with nature; discuss and agree on the project of a Universal Declaration of Mother Earth Rights; agree on proposals for new commitments to the Kyoto Protocol and projects for a COP Decision under the UNFCCC to address climate debt, climate change migrants-refugees, emission reductions, adaptation, technology transfer, finance, forests, a shared vision, and indigenous peoples; work on the organization of the World People's Referendum on Climate Change; analyze and develop an action plan to advance the establishment of a Climate Justice Tribunal; and define strategies for action and mobilization to defend life from Climate Change and to defend the Rights of Mother Earth.  

dates: 19-22 April 2010  
location: Cochabamba, Bolivia  
www: http://pwccc.wordpress.com/