3-4 September 2020 virtual
OECD Workshop on Climate Change: Assumptions, Uncertainties and Surprises

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Workshop on Climate Change: Assumptions, Uncertainties and Surprises is the first in a series of OECD workshops in 2020-22 on Climate Science, Policy, Regulation and Practice. The workshop will set the scene by highlighting key issues relevant to the design and use of climate research and science within policy, regulation and practice.

The Climate Science, Policy, Regulation and Practice series aims to foster an outcome-oriented, interactive dialogue between climate researchers, financial regulators, supervisors, climate policy makers and industry practitioners. The workshops will:

  • explore the potential policy implications of a range of evidence relating to climate science;
  • identify where scientific insights might help with emerging policy problems that require robust and pragmatic ways forward in the near term; and
  • inform OECD work, including work on the implications of climate change for vulnerable and developing countries.

This first virtual workshop will frame key issues to support economic and financial decision actors (private and public) to interpret and use scientific evidence and modelling in their approaches to climate risks. Subsequent workshops will examine in more detail how to implement climate risk management and climate policy alignment goals across areas relevant to physical and transition risks or impacts from climate change. They will discuss implications for financial regulators, industry practitioners, as well as policy makers.

This workshop is supported by ADEME and Finance for Tomorrow in the context of the Finance Climact initiative, supported by a grant from the LIFE programme.

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dates: 3-4 September 2020
location: virtual
www: http://www.oecd.org/environment/cc/oecdworkshoponclimatechangeassumptionsuncertaintiesandsurprises.htm

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