22-30 June 2024 London, England, UK
London Climate Action Week 2024

London Climate Action Week (LCAW) will bring together organizations, communities, and individuals with a focus on finding global solutions to climate change. The annual event aims to demonstrate the whole-of-society engagement needed to deliver decarbonization and resilience as well as to encourage other global cities to host similar climate action weeks.

Third Generation Environmentalism Limited (E3G) founded the LCAW in 2019 in partnership with the Mayor of London, following consultations with hundreds of stakeholders interested in driving global action embedded in the realities of a complex, highly diverse, and populous global city. LCAW 2024 will focus on four themes:

  • The road to climate ambition at the 2025 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30), with a focus on the cooperation, politics, and diplomacy necessary to deliver a 1.5ºC outcome in 2025;
  • Financing the global climate transition, including reform of public and private finance systems to support a new global finance goal at the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29) and future climate action;
  • Delivering a net-zero and resilient UK, exploring London’s role in shaping transformations across the UK and delivery of London’s 2030 net-zero target; and
  • Mobilizing whole-of-society climate action, such as mobilizing key networks in the arts, culture, education, fashion, health, law, and beyond.

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dates: 22-30 June 2024
location: London, England, UK
www: https://www.londonclimateactionweek.org/

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