29 April 2021 virtual
FOGGS Panel Discussion: Assessing President Biden’s Climate Summit: Is the dial moving closer to 1.5°C?

The Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) will hold an online panel discussion on the outcomes of the Leaders Summit on Climate hosted by US President Biden and implications for the upcoming 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (Glasgow Climate Change Conference). 

The panel discussion will be moderated by Pilita Clark (Financial Times), and panellists include: Niklas Höhne (NewClimate Institute), Li Shuo (Greenpeace East Asia), Richard Kinley (FOGGS President, formerly UNFCCC), and Alison Campbell, UK Deputy COP Envoy.

date: 29 April 2021
time: 10 am EST
location: virtual
contact: FOGGS
www: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GNsnhwvqSgmDn4dCE75mCA

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