About the SDG Update Newsletter

The SDG Update compiles the news, commentary and upcoming events that are published on the SDG Knowledge Hub, delivering information on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to your inbox.

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Community peer-to-peer lists

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) manages a number of peer-to-peer lists on topics related to sustainable development policy and practice. These freely available, moderated lists allow subscribers to share information about their own organization’s work, such as new reports, meeting outcomes, and upcoming events, with a community of like-minded practitioners.

The lists are hosted by Google Groups. To join, sign out of any currently logged-in personal Google accounts. Click “Sign in”, then input the email address you want subscribed and click “Next”. If your email address is not associated with any Google account, click “Create Account” – “For Myself” – then click “Use my current email address instead” and enter the information requested. Once the desired email address is signed in, the user should click on “Ask to join group.”

Subscribers can opt to receive messages from the Group as they are sent out, or to receive a once-daily digest of all emails submitted that day.

Sign up for the communities of interest to you:


SDG is a mailing list for news and announcements related to sustainable development policy issues and internationally-relevant activities related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: SDGNews@googlegroups.com



The BIODIVERSITY list is for news and announcements related to biodiversity and wildlife policy issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: BiodiversityNews@googlegroups.com



The CHEMICALS list is for news and announcements related to chemicals and waste policy issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: ChemicalsNews@googlegroups.com 



The CLIMATE list is for news and announcements focused on climate change policy and issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: ClimateNews@googlegroups.com



The ENERGY list is for news and announcements related to sustainable energy sources and policy issues, including renewables and energy efficiency. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: EnergySDNews@googlegroups.com



The FORESTS list is for news and announcements related to forest policy issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: ForestsNews@googlegroups.com



The LAND list is for news and announcements related to land degradation policy issues, including drought and desertification. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: LandNews@googlegroups.com



The Trade and Sustainable Development News list is for the exchange of information on regional and global trade news that intersects with sustainable development objectives. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: TradeSDNews@googlegroups.com



The WATER list is for news and announcements related to water and sanitation policy issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: WaterAndSanitationNews@googlegroups.com



The OCEAN list focuses on news and announcements related to ocean policy issues. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: OceanNews@googlegroups.com



The AFRICA list is a peer-to-peer lists for information specifically regarding sustainable development decision-making in Africa. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: AfricaSDNews@googlegroups.com



The ASIAPACIFICSD is a peer-to-peer lists for information specifically regarding sustainable development decision-making in the Asia-Pacific region. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: AsiaPacificSDNews@googlegroups.com



The LARC list is for information specifically regarding sustainable development decision-making in Latin America and the Caribbean. Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: LACSDNews@googlegroups.com



The SIDS list is for news and announcements related to Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Once you’ve subscribed, send reports, events, and news to: SIDSSDNews@googlegroups.com


Community peer-to-peer lists terms of engagement

What are peer-to-peer lists?
What is posted on peer-to-peer lists?
How do I post a message to a peer-to-peer list?
How do I unsubscribe from a peer-to-peer list?
Who can I contact if I require technical support?

What are peer-to-peer lists?

IISD manages several peer-to-peer community announcement lists for policy makers and practitioners involved in international sustainable development. These free knowledge-sharing tools facilitate the exchange of information among sustainable development professionals.

What is posted on peer-to-peer lists?

Postings include policy news related to the community list’s focus, announcements of workshops and conferences, job listings and information on new publications and online resources. The lists are moderated by IISD, and only announcements that satisfy the following guidelines will be distributed to subscribers:

  • All postings should be announcements appropriate for an audience that have a connection to sustainable development policy and/or practice: i.e. best practices in the community lists’ focus, announcements or outcomes of relevant meetings or sessions and side events, relevant job postings, publications and online resources;
  • No press releases or postings that are commercial in nature, personal statements, news stories, polemic statements or postings intended to create discussion will be cleared for distribution to the list;
  • Postings should include the internet address for large documents (URLs) rather than including attached files. If possible, do not send file attachments. If you must attach a file, small PDF files under 200 kb are always recommended. Any message larger than 500 kb is rejected by our software. 

How do I post a message to a peer-to-peer list?

Any subscriber can post to the list(s) to which they are subscribed. Just send the message to the email address for the specific list, in exactly the format that you would like the message to be distributed to the list. If your message fits within the guidelines, the moderator will approve it for distribution to all the members of the list.

How do I unsubscribe from a peer-to-peer list?

To unsubscribe from a list, follow the information at the bottom of any message from the list. If you have any difficulty unsubscribing, please contact us at <enb@iisd.org>.

Who can I contact if I require technical support?

If you require Technical Support, please contact us at <enb@iisd.org>.