In a bid to enhance multilateralism for international peace and security, strengthen inclusive innovation and cooperation to bridge the digital divide, and enhance the global system for current and future generations, the Summit of the Future (SoF) adopted its outcome documents – the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations, intergovernmentally agreed in advance. Convening back-to-back with the Summit, the annual SDG Moment offered “disruptive” ideas for scaling up action in the final push to 2030.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) summary report of the meeting reveals that the Summit of the Future brought together more than 130 Heads of State and Government, along with other high-level officials, which suggests “some level of perceived urgency for reform” to “reimagin[e] a system of global governance that works for all.”

Many speakers stressed that the multilateral system is broken, “while conceding there is no conceivable alternative to the United Nations for creating a peaceful, fair, inclusive and rules-based global system that works for current as well as future generations.”

In light of deepening conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and the Sudan, many also expressed concern that the UN Security Council is “no longer fit for purpose,” calling for an expansion of its permanent membership to Africa and other regions, to “redress the historic injustice.”

Among other recurring themes, participants highlighted:

  • The transformative power of peacebuilding and reconciliation as the foundations for sustainable development;
  • The importance of reforming the international financial architecture to ensure that resources for the SDGs flow to where they are most needed;
  • Embracing science and technology, innovation, and digital cooperation to bridge the growing digital divide, while mitigating the harmful impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies; and
  • Empowering youth and future generations as agents of change.

While the “themes that garnered the most expressions of concern at the Summit [are] not new,… the Summit, and the Pact it adopted, represent a milestone in the sweeping range of topics addressed,” the ENB analysis of the meeting points out.

With respect to slow progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs, many reiterated that “the Summit should be seen as a last-ditch effort to turn the tide and rebuild… trust.”

The SDG Moment 2024 took place immediately after the Summit of the Future. High-level participants from government, the private sector, youth organizations, and the arts took stock of SDG implementation and highlighted inspiring examples of progress from around the world. Speakers emphasized the role of political leadership, SDG investment, and global partnerships in achieving three critical “just transitions” – food systems transformation, the renewable energy shift, and expanded digital connectivity. “Informal panel discussions explored the importance of quality education, skills development, and access to decent work as pillars of the 2030 Agenda,” ENB reports.

The Summit of the Future convened from 22-23 September 2024 in New York, US, followed by the SDG Moment on 24 September, as the UN General Assembly (UNGA) opened its 79th session and General Debate. [ENB Coverage of Summit of the Future]