28 February 2002: A meeting on the third replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund took place from 27-28 February 2002, in Paris, France.

Participants considered: the current second replenishment and projected funding status, estimated carryover to the third replenishment period and projected investment income for the third replenishment period; procurement restrictions related to arrears in donors’ contributions to the GEF; the replenishment amount; policy recommendations; and the draft replenishment document entitled “Global Environment Facility Trust Fund Replenishment Document in the Form of a World Bank Resolution.” The next GEF replenishment meeting will take place from 8-9 April in Copenhagen, Denmark. To access the Co-Chairs’ summary of the meeting visit: http://www.gefweb.org/Replenishment/Joint_Summaries/Summary_of_Co_Chairs.doc