The UN General Assembly concluded its 58th session on Monday, 13 September 2004.

In his closing address to the Session, outgoing General Assembly President, Julian Hunte of St. Lucia noted that during the session, the Assembly had made real headway on such issues as sustainable development, revitalizing the body’s work and reform of the Security Council. GA President Hunte also conveyed the UN’s sympathy and strong solidarity with the governments and peoples of the Caribbean suffering the after-effects of the devastating hurricanes and tropical storms that have struck that region. The final session of the Assembly concluded consideration of 35 items on its agenda, including follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit, environment and sustainable development, information and communication technologies for development, and the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security, and deferred 29 of them to the 59th GA session. The session also submitted to the forthcoming session the provisional agenda as well as the programme of work for the Assembly’s plenary meetings. The Assembly further adopted a resolution, approving the draft Relationship Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the United Nations. More information is available at: