The Council of Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly has expressed concern over the growing threat of marginalization of the United Nations.

In a meeting of the Council, which convened from 16-18 November at UN Headquarters in New York, present and past GA Presidents signed a Communiqué reaffirming the central role of the United Nations in promoting multilateral cooperation and preserving the stability of the international system. The Council also expressed concern that the rule of law is at risk and that fundamental laws are being disregarded around the world. Furthermore, the Council expressed grave concern at the danger of using unilateralism in international affairs and called for a renewed commitment to multilateral action through the United Nations.
Noting that in the year 2005, the UN has to respond to the recommendations of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change and review the implementation of the Millennium Declaration, the Council said the UN has been presented with the twin challenge of having to ensure security and meet development needs of poor countries and called on the GA to take the lead in these matters.
The Council of Presidents was established at UN Headquarters in November 1997 with the objective of giving the United Nations the benefit of their experience, diplomatic and international, for the purpose of supporting the United Nations in general, and the General Assembly in particular. Click here for the Communiqué by Council of Presidents of General Assembly.