The fourth Assembly of the African Union was held in Abuja, Nigeria from 24-31 January 2005.

The meeting, attended by over 40 Heads of State and Governments, as well as observers from the UN System, and international and non-governmental organizations, adopted decisions relating to HIV/AIDS, food security, human and peoples’ rights, conflicts in Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Sudan, Somalia, as well as the Protocol on Non-Aggression and Common Defense Pact of the African Union.
On UN reform, the Assembly agreed to develop an African Common Position, to be submitted to the UN Secretary-General for consideration. On the Report of Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee on NEPAD, the Assembly called on the international community to support NEPAD and in particular called on the G8 countries to: cancel all debts of African countries and take practical steps to urgently implement such cancellation; double development assistance to Africa and improve its quality; and take the necessary steps to complete the Doha round of trade negotiations at the earliest possible time so as to provide free and non-reciprocal access to their markets for African countries and eliminate export subsides for agricultural products.
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Fourth Assembly of the African Union