A workshop has been held as part of the Middle East region’s preparations for the fourth World Water Forum in early 2006.

The first regional consultation workshop for the preparation of the Middle East region for the fourth World Water Forum was held in Cairo, Egypt, from 19-20 June 2005.
Organized by the World Bank and the Arab Water Council, the workshop informed participants on the roles of principal players and the preparatory process for the fourth World Water Forum, which will be held in Mexico in March 2006. The workshop identified the following key water issues in the region: water use efficiency in a basin context; groundwater depletion; climatic variability; inadequate access to clean drinking water supplies in rural areas; transboundary waters; water demand management, salinization; and development of the use of non-conventional water resources.
The workshop concluded with the following recommendations: the Arab Water Council will ensure full notification of the results of the workshop to all countries, and seek endorsement and full participation of government and non-governmental organizations in future steps of the preparatory process and effective participation in the fourth World Water Forum; a second workshop will be held no later than 10 November 2005 will follow as a part of the preparatory process with the support of the World Bank.
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4th World Water Forum Newsletter