An action plan has been agreed to save frogs, salamanders and other amphibians facing extinction.

The Amphibian Conservation Summit, organized from 17-19 September 2005 in Washington DC, by IUCN, Conservation International and the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force, concluded with proposals for a series of actions, including emergency responses to save species under the greatest threat because of pollution, habitat destruction, as well as a little-known fungus wiping out their populations. Responding to findings in last year’s Global Amphibian Assessment, the Amphibian Conservation Action Plan declaration is divided into four key strategies: understanding the causes of declines and extinctions; documenting amphibian diversity and how it is changing; developing and implementing long-term conservation programmes; and delivering emergency responses to crises.
Links to further information
Experts develop Global Action Plan to save amphibians facing extinction, IUCN news release, 19 September 2005
Global plan to rescue amphibians, BBC News, 19 September 2005
Conservation groups want $404 million for frogs, Associated Press, 20 September 2005