The expanded Bureau of the seventh Conference of Parties (COP7) to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal has met to discussion financial and administrative matters, as well as considering a study on synergies with other chemicals-related secretariats.

The second meeting of the expanded COP7 Bureau convened in Geneva from 14-15 February 2006, and took place ahead of the upcoming fifth Open-ended working group (OEWG-5), which is scheduled for 3-7 April 2006, in Geneva. Informal consultations and briefings for those countries that are not members of the Expanded Bureau were also held, on 14 February. Among the financial and administrative matters taken up by the Bureau were: the proposed format and contents of the budget to be submitted to OEWG 5; the Basel Convention Resource Mobilization Strategy and the examination of Article 14; and sustainable support to the Basel Convention Regional Centres. Considering the Synergies Study prepared following relevant decisions by Parties to the Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions, the expanded Bureau recommended placing the examination of synergies and cooperation on the Basel Convention agenda. Accordingly, the issue will be under consideration at OEWG-5.
Link to further information
Meeting website and official documents