Two meetings held in Mali have focused on agriculture issues in the context of Africa.

The African Union Conference of Ministers of Agriculture was held from 31 January to 1 February 2006, in Bamako, Mali. The FAO 24th Regional Conference for Africa was held in the same location from 31 January to 3 February. The meetings focused on food security in Africa, including seeds and biotechnology, agrarian reform, rural finance and the Millennium Development Goals. An experts’ meeting held on 31 January called on the African Union to create a high-level panel of eminent personalities on food security in Africa to provide advice on strategies for the development of agricultural production and mobilization of resources for eradicating poverty and food insecurity. The FAO meeting also discussed a proposal on an African Seed and Biotechnology Programme, aimed to provide a strategic approach for the comprehensive development of the seed sector and biotechnology in Africa, taking into account the different needs of the countries and regions.
Links to further information
Website of the African Union conference, February 2006
Report of the experts meeting, February 2006
Report of the Ministers meeting, February 2006
Documents of the FAO Conference, 2006