A conference has been held to consider conservation and sustainable development in the Danube Delta.

The conference, which took place from 27-28 February 2006, in Odessa, Ukraine, was convened by the Government of Ukraine in cooperation with the Governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova, under the auspices of the Danube Commission (ICPDR), and with the support of UNESCO and the European Commission. The event brought together about 100 specialists, government officials, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific experts, and stakeholders from the Danube Delta region. Participants discussed the current state of the Danube Delta, cooperation mechanisms, and means of achieving conservation and sustainable development. They concluded that the Danube Delta forms a culturally and geographically unique region, and that regional development has to be planned and undertaken at an ecosystem scale in a sustainable way, taking into account ecological limitations and sensitivities.

Link to further information
Report on the meeting