A two-day meeting within the framework of the 2006 International Year for Deserts and Desertification (IYDD) has considered political frameworks, agricultural development and livelihoods and coping strategies in drylands.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in partnership with the Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) organized an international conference on Desertification, Hunger and Poverty, which convened from 11-12 April 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. According to Liliane Ortega, SDC official and Swiss representative to the UNCCD, discussions revealed that “It was not just a question of trying to find more money, but that there can be a partnership between the West and the developing world… that [the affected countries] have to act themselves but with the support of the West.” Ortega also highlighted the economic aspects of desertification, stating that ‘Land degradation affects people’s lives and livelihoods, and as such it must be treated within the context of agriculture and its economic cost.’ A report from the conference is expected by July 2006.
Links to further information
Conference Programme, April 2006
Swiss info news story, 13 April 2006
SciDev.Net news story, 20 April 2006