9 June 2006: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council has elected a new CEO, while progress has also been reported in a GEF Trust Fund meeting on the Fourth Replenishment of its funding.

Monique Barbut of France, a former Director of UNEP’s Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, was confirmed as the new GEF CEO during the latest Council meeting, which took place from 6-9 June 2006 in Washington DC. Meanwhile, at a GEF Trust Fund meeting on the Fourth Replenishment held on 5 June, donors reportedly made significant advances towards guaranteeing pledges for the fourth replenishment at levels around 10% below current GEF funding.

The Council meeting also considered the GEF’s annual performance report, the Special Climate Change Fund’s status report, a strategy for financing biosafety activities, a private sector strategy and progress in the implementation of the Resource Allocation Framework (RAF). [GEF Council Documents] [Press release; 9 June 2006] [GEF Fourth Replenishment documents]