The Plants and Animals Committees of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) have concluded after meeting in Lima, Peru throughout early to mid-July.

The 16th meeting of the CITES Plants Committee convened from 3-8 July 2006. From 7-8 July, a joint session was held with the Animals Committee, which met separately for its 22nd meeting from 7-13 July. The Plants Committee agreed not to subject bigleaf mahogany to a review of significant trade at this stage, established an intersessional working group on Prunus africana, and discussed a proposal on timber export quotas to be presented at CITES COP-14, to be held in June 2007. The joint session addressed a number of issues relevant to both committees, including: proposed amendments to the rules of procedure; the review of the scientific committees; the review of significant trade in Madagascar; transport of live specimens; and the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity adopted by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Animals Committee addressed a review of significant trade for a number of new species, reached agreement on sea cucumbers, sharks and the historically challenging definition of fossil corals, and established informal intersessional groups to continue work on crocodile ranching and the transport of live specimens.

Link to further information
Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of the meetings