The latest meeting of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission has taken place, with participants launching an initiative to collect case studies on forest management.

The Commission’s 24th session was held from 26-30 June 2006, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Participants discussed planted forests, conservation of biological diversity, climate change and forest fires. During the meeting, an initiative was launched to collect case studies of successful forest management from around the region so that they can be replicated elsewhere. Between 25 and 30 of the nominated cases of successful forestry management programmes will be selected for in-depth study and collected in a book slated for publication in 2009. Despite the region’s high rate of forest loss over the past 15 years, FAO experts cited numerous examples of sound programmes in which forests are being effectively managed and the benefits of forestry are being shared among local communities.

Links to further information
FAO press release, 26 June 2006
US Department of State press release, 29 June 2006