A Capacity Building Workshop on Partnerships for Improving the Performance of Water Utilities in the Africa Region has discussed implementation of the global water and sanitation agenda in the African context.

The workshop, which convened from 6-8 December 2006 at the UN Office in Nairobi, Kenya, was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) and the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-HABITAT). Attended by more than 90 senior water experts representing governmental and inter-governmental organizations and the private sector from over 36 countries, the workshop focused on contributing towards the implementation of the global water and sanitation agenda by strengthening the capacities of water utilities in meeting the dual challenge of service expansion and efficient delivery of services.
Participants developed a Nairobi Statement, which states the need to, inter alia: develop and implement programmes to overcome limited technical, financial and institutional capacities; promote commitment, support and participation of all stakeholders to improve the performance of water utilities; increase finance to improve and extend safe and adequate access to water and sanitation for all; recommend separation of the dual functions of regulatory and operational activities that will improve the performance of public utilities in delivering water and sanitation services; implement actions regarding benchmarking of utilities, such as establishing criteria for customer satisfaction, evaluating the performance of utility managers, serving the poor and creating gender balance in the utilities; and develop and institutionalize partnerships to promote the exchange of experiences and facilitate contact among utilities.
Links to further information
IISD RS meeting coverage
Workshop website