The 14th meeting of the Scientific Council of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) convened from 15-17 March 2007, in Bonn, Germany.

The Council reviewed progress in relation to its Strategy Implementation Plan for 2006-2011 and agreed that, while significant progress has been made in some activities, the challenges posed by the Strategic Plan require a renewed effort. In this regard, the meeting established intersessional working groups on climate change and migratory species, by-catch, sustainable use, and animal diseases. The Council also considered the status and future prospects of the CMS Small Grants Programme to support conservation and research activities, and made a strong plea for securing adequate funding for the programme. Finally, the meeting suggested several species suitable for listing on the CMS Appendices across various taxonomic groups.
Links to further information
CMS press release, 4 April 2007
Documents for the meeting