September 2007: Member States gathered at a UN General Assembly (UNGA) meeting on 10 September 2007 at UN Headquarters, New York, US, to respond to the Options Paper presented by the Co-Chairs of the UNGA Informal Consultative Process on the Institutional Framework of the UN’s Environment Activities Claude Heller (Mexico) and Peter Maurer (Switzerland), in June 2007.

The Options paper is based on views expressed by member States earlier in the consultation process and identifies seven building blocks where progress can be made to strengthen international environmental governance (IEG), in addition to a section that deals s with options for the broader transformation of the IEG system.

One report of the meeting suggested that there is a “growing momentum” to strengthen IEG, although not all observers agreed with this assessment. It is considered likely that the incoming General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim will ask Co-Chairs Heller and Maurer to continue the consultations in October 2007. [MEA Bulletin summary of the meeting]