The 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) convened from 8-9 November 2007, in Bonn, Germany.

The meeting welcomed the accession of Cuba and Iran to the Convention, raising the number of parties to 106, and heard reports on the Convention’s conservation programme, the budget, fundraising activities, progress made in the development of partnerships, and a special presentation on the Task Force on Avian Influenza. Members also considered papers on the future organization of CMS and on the strategic review of flyways, and established a working group to map the way forward on CMS organization for COP 9, to be held in November 2008, in Rome, Italy. The 33rd meeting of the CMS Standing Committee will meet in Rome, immediately prior to CMS COP 9.
Link to further information
CMS press release, 9 November 2007