The Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Joint Working Group (AHJWG) on Enhanced Cooperation and Coordination between the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions convened from 25-28 March 2008, in Rome, Italy.

The AHJWG was able to reach agreement on all recommendations laid out in the co-chair’s paper UNEP/FAO/CHW/RC/POPS/JWG.3/2. The key outcome of the meeting was the proposal to convene a joint extraordinary conference of the parties (Ex-COP) of the three Conventions. The Ex-COP is proposed to be held in conjunction with the next special session of the UN Environment Programme Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GMEF) in February 2010. The aim of the meeting would be to organize the joint recommendations, as well as the recommendation to synchronize the three Convention budgets. Before the Ex-COP is confirmed, the AHJWG recommendations must be agreed by the three COPs: the Basel Convention in June 2008; the Rotterdam Convention in October 2008; and the Stockholm Convention in May 2009 (IISD Sources).
Link to further information
Ad Hoc Joint Working Group on Synergies meeting documents