The First African Water Week (AWW-1), convened under the theme of “Accelerating Water Security for the Socio-Economic Development of Africa,” took place from 26-28 March 2008, in Tunis, Tunisia.

The meeting’s three objectives were to provide a forum for key actors in Africa’s water sector to discuss the opportunities and challenges of achieving water security for Africa’s socio-economic development, take stock of the status of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and related targets on water in Africa, and make recommendations for consideration by the 2008 African Union and G8 summits, and the 2009 Fifth World Water Forum (WWF-5). Over 540 participants, including 30 ministers, met in plenary and several parallel working groups to deliberate on topics ranging from policy and practical constraints, to social, economic and cultural constraints, to institutional and financial matters. Participants agreed on two key outputs. The “Summary of Proceedings and Outcomes” highlights the issues and recommendations made in plenary and working groups, and the “Ministerial Declaration on Accelerating Water Security for Africa’s Socio-economic Development” reflects the specific commitments that ministers agreed to act on. In addition, WWF-5 launched its regional preparatory process during the meeting.
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