5 June
2008: The International Labour Organization (ILO) rolled out its Green Jobs
Initiative, aimed at easing the transition to green business and jobs, on World
Environment Day. Speaking about the Initiative, Juan Somavia, ILO
Director-General, said “green
growth and avoiding dangerous climate change depend on greener enterprises and
green jobs.”

added that green growth can drive sustainable development if green jobs are
decent jobs, and said “A decent work approach includes: the promotion of green
enterprises and green jobs; active labour market policies which combine social
security for displaced workers with skills development to help enterprises and
workers to adapt and seize opportunities; work that is clean and safe for
workers and the environment; and respect for workers’ rights that give freedom
including to engage in social dialogue which is key to shaping effective
responses.” The ILO has
undertaken the Initiative in cooperation with the UN Environment Programme
(UNEP) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and seeks, with
the Initiative, to promote environmentally sustainable jobs and development. [Message
of Juan Somavia on World Environment Day
summary of the Green Jobs Initiative