Pachauri's presentation at ECOSOC, 30 June 2008 14 July 2008: In an editorial published in the Times of India, Rajendra
K. Pachauri, Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Chairman and TERI Director-General,
offers an analysis of the recently concluded G8 summit held in Hokkaido, Japan.

He highlights a number of flaws of the Chair’s Summary, including: the
avoidance of the major thorny issues around the globe; the lack of a base year
from which to calculate the 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions G8
leaders committed to; and the absence of a reference to the Bali Action Plan
that calls for “deep cuts” in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Citing the IPCC
Fourth Assessment Report and warning that inaction would lead to severe climate
change impacts, he stresses the importance of short term actions and the need
for clear emission reduction targets for 2020. He notes that these impacts are
already being felt, especially by the poorest communities, a fact G8 leaders
have “proved unaware of or insensitive to.” However, Pachauri also underscores
that progress has been made at this year’s G8 summit in comparison to what was
agreed at the 2007 Summit and that the leaders’ intention to act has been more
clearly defined, although without any mention of time scale or specific
targets. He concludes by questioning the rate of progress on key issues between
successive summits and calls on the richest countries to take “bolder measures”
that reflect their responsibility. [The Times of India, 14 July 2008] [Pachauri’s
presentation at ECOSOC, 30 June 2008
] [Press
conference following ECOSOC presentation