Report of the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism Forty-First Meeting 6 August 2008: The Executive Board of the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) has launched four calls for public comments, to run from 6
August to 3 September 2008.

The Board agreed at its forty-first meeting, which was held
from 30 July to 2 August 2008, to launch the calls and invite comments from
members of the public on: the draft guidance for, and flexibility in, applying
the definition of a project boundary to CDM afforestation/reforestation project
activities; a proposed enhanced barrier test for project activities that have a
potential for high profitability without the revenues from certified emissions
reductions (carbon credits); the development of CDM Programmes of Activities,
and difficulties in their validation and submission for registration; and the
draft standardization of the format of the modalities of communications between
project participants and the Executive Board. The comments will be compiled by
the UNFCCC Secretariat for consideration by the Executive Board at its
forty-second and forty-third meetings. [Calls
for Public Comments
] [Report
of the 41st session of the CDM Executive Board