August 2008: In preparation for the 29th Session of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scheduled to take place
from 31 August-4 September 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland, the Secretariat of the
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) System and the
Government of Norway have submitted a proposal for an IPCC Special Report on
Managing the Risk of Extreme Events to Advance Climate Change Adaptation.

The proposal is based on the recognition of the linkages
between disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, as well as
the need to learn from risk reduction experience in order to guide UNFCCC
parties’ adaptation activities. The proposal states that the relevance of
disaster risk reduction to advance adaptation has been widely acknowledged, but
that no comprehensive assessment of the disaster risk reduction and management
policies and measures that can inform climate change adaptation has been
carried out. The proposal then describes how the Special Report would comply
with the IPCC framework and criteria for establishing priorities for IPCC
reports, and provides an outline of the proposed assessment. [The