August 2008: The International Tropical Timber Organization
(ITTO) is organizing, with the support of the Government of Korea through the
Seoul National University, an Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Afforestation
and Reforestation Projects Development under the Clean Development Mechanism
(AR-CDM), which will be held from 8-12 September 2008, in Seoul, Korea.

workshop aims to promote the understanding of the rules and procedures of
AR-CDM and encourage country-level initiatives in promoting AR-CDM project
activities in accordance with the ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration,
Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forests. The
specific objectives of the event include: enhancing participants’ knowledge of
AR-CDM projects, including introduction to baseline and monitoring
methodologies; familiarizing participants with the financial and investment
issues relating to AR-CDM projects; promoting the exchange of experiences in
the development of AR-CDM projects through case studies; enhancing the capacity
of project proponents in preparing the AR-CDM Project Design Document; and
facilitating the exchange of views on reducing emissions from deforestation and
forest degradation (REDD). [Workshop