The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) presented its work on water and isotope hydrology from 27-29 August 2008, at the International Expo on Water and Sustainable Development, which runs from 14 June to 14 September 2008, in Zaragoza, Spain.

Over six million visitors from around the globe are expected to visit the Expo, which will feature presentations by over 2,000 international experts on water-themed exhibits, lectures, performances and concerts. The information the IAEA will showcase its work on a nuclear technique that helps experts identify the size, origin, flow and age of a particular water source, which can help planners to better manage their water resources. Through its Technical Cooperation Programme, the IAEA currently has over 80 on-going projects worldwide that map underground aquifers, manage ground and surface water, monitor dam leakage and help control pollution.
Link to further information
UN press release, 27 August 2008