Registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol 16 October 2008: The UNFCCC Secretariat has announced that
it is on schedule to complete the live connection of its International
Transaction Log (ITL) with the EU Community Independent Transaction Log (CITL)
and 26 EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) registries.

This connection will enable
account holders to import certified emission reductions (CERs) and emission
reduction units (ERUs) from non-EU registries, and add these units to their
holdings. EU member State registries will also be able to issue ERUs (generated
under joint implementation projects implemented in the member States) and
export these to non-EU ETS registries. With this connection, the Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) registry is also now fully operational and can
resume forwarding CERs (generated under CDM projects), including to holding
accounts and national registries of CDM participants. [CDM Press Release] [Registry Systems under the Kyoto Protocol]