The United Nations Forum on Forests 14 November 2008: The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) Ad Hoc
Expert Group on Finance convened in Vienna, Austria, from 10-14 November 2008,
to develop proposals for the development of a voluntary global financial
mechanism/portfolio approach/forest financing framework to support: the
implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM); the achievement of the
global objectives on forests; and the implementation of the non-legally binding
instrument on all types of forests.

During the meeting, there was considerable
discussion about the potential funding of SFM through mechanisms that are being
established, and are currently under consideration, with regard to reducing
emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries
(REDD). Among the presentations and
panel discussions, the World Bank presented on its Forest Investment Programme
to mobilize increased funds for REDD and to promote SFM to protect carbon
Some experts raised concerns that considerable uncertainties remain
regarding REDD, both in terms of technical aspects and in terms of the
development of a market that generates revenue for SFM. Experts suggested that
UNFF should send a strong message to UNFCCC on the need to ensure that REDD schemes
take full account of the holistic nature of SFM.
Member States will provide
written contributions for further elaboration of the proposals on a financing
framework, which the UNFF Secretariat will synthesize in preparation for UNFF’s
eighth session, to be held in late April 2009. [Advance
unedited version of the Chair’s summary report
] [Meeting website]