African Conference of Ministers in Charge of<br /> Environment on Climate Change For Post 2012″ width=”140″ height=”150″ /></a> 19 November 2008: In a speech to the African Conference of<br />
Ministers in Charge of Environment on Climate Change for Post-2012, which<br />
convened in Algiers, Algeria, from 19-20 November 2008, UNFCCC Executive<br />
Secretary Yvo de Boer said an agreed outcome at Copenhagen must be more<br />
Africa-friendly and spur enabling support for the continent.<br />
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He stated that
Africa’s Road Map from Johannesburg through Africa to Copenhagen is a key
contribution to the negotiating process under the Bali Road Map negotiations.
He underlined that although Africa is the continent hardest hit by the impacts
of climate change, while it has benefited the least from the current
international climate regime, highlighting insufficient: funds;
capacity-building and technology arrangements; and participation in the Kyoto
Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism. He stressed the need for Africa to be
“tied into the international response to climate change, both with regard to
adaptation, as well as mitigation.” He added that, in light of the encouraging
economic outlook for Africa, the continent needs help to “leapfrog the
emissions-intensive stage of economic development.” In addition, de Boer
underscored that the financial crisis should not delay mitigation action,
saying that procrastination “would only increase the human and economic cost of
climate change and the need for adaptation.” He added that the financial
turmoil should rather be considered as an opportunity to make the transition to
a climate-friendly economy and that moving towards a self-financing climate
compact would help address its negative impacts.
In this regard, he stated that
the carbon market is “an important starting point towards a self-financing
climate compact,” but should be complemented by a “clever financial architecture”
to mobilize financial resources for both adaptation and mitigation. On the road
to Copenhagen, he called on parties to “go into full negotiating mode at and
after Poznan,” underlining that many issues haven’t reached the stage at which
they could be presented in initial negotiating texts.
In concluding, he
underscored that the road from Bali via Johannesburg and Algiers to Copenhagen
presents African countries with “a golden opportunity” to “nurture and push
creative solutions” that will help Africa adapt and design a new climate deal
that works for Africa. [