EC Working Group on Climate and Related Water and Environmental matters
February 2009: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Executive Council Working Group on Climate and Related Weather, Water and Environmental Matters will convene its second session from 11-13 February 2009, at WMO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Working Group was established in 2007 and advises the Executive Council on all matters related to the WMO’s climate activities in order to promote better coordination among WMO bodies and programmes, and to strengthen WMO’s partnership with other UN and scientific organizations concerned with climate.

The second session of the Working Group will review recent major weather, climate and water related events and their outcomes. Participants will also discuss future directions for WMO’s involvement in the new UN system-wide coordination mechanism on climate change activities. Other issues on the meeting’s agenda include an update on preparations for the World Climate Conference-3, scheduled to take place from 31 August-4 September 2009, as well as review of the latest version of WMO initiatives to support adaptation. [Meeting Documents]