CbdlogozConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
9 February 2009: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is organizing a capacity-building workshop for the Pacific region for implementation of the programme of work on protected areas, from 9-12 February 2009, in Nadi, Fiji. The workshop is scheduled to consider: the inclusion of climate change considerations in the ecological gap-analysis of protected areas; and coordination of technical and financial support to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

In his opening remarks, CBD Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf stressed that planning and implementing actions are needed for small island States to reduce the impact of climate change and assist communities to adjust to the changing climate.
He underlined that effective implementation of the CBD programme of work on protected areas with the redesign, consolidation and expansion of protected-area systems, is one of the best measures for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. [Workshop Documents] [CBD Executive Secretary’s Remarks]